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7 Keys to a Strong
Soul Intelligence SQ

How to navigate life based on the power of your authentic self and manifest the life you are here to live


This workshop is a boost for the soul.


You will learn:

  • What the model "7 dimensions of Soul Intelligence SQ - keys to your deepest Self" is based on and how it can contribute to your life on a whole new level.


  • What inner soul transformation processes are about and how you let these be a conscious upshift in your life

  • How you through Energy Awareness connected to quantum physics can affect your life in all areas - quantum psychology in practice

  • Concrete tools for how you can be in contact with your soul, your heart and your intuition every day - Soul Listening


Together with me and the circle of people who travel and grow with you in this workshop, you can have insights and tools to expand into your essence and the life you love.

Come just as you are. Your presence and and curiosity are your most important contributions.

Lecture is mixed with shorter exercises and sharing.


After the workshop, you have the opportunity to be part of one of our transforming Soul-Smart programs and maybe it will be interesting for you to develop into a Transformational SoulCoach ..


I have felt completely warm inside since the workshop. I immediately felt safe with you, Charlotte as a spiritual leader / guide

Would like to thank you for an incredibly exciting workshop; Soul-Smart. There is such a professionalism and seriousness  in what Charlotte conveys.

I have often attended courses / workshops, and my gut feeling has gnawed, because I have experienced that the leader has "flown away".
Charlotte, You flew, at the same time as you stood deeply anchored, present, balanced. That is in harmony with what speaks to me.

The word "professional" sounds cliché, but that's really what I experienced. You led us with pondus, humility, presence, incredible pedagogy .... and what I enjoyed most was to see how all the knowledge and wisdom from within you just FLOWED .. "

Caroline Forsberg

My feeling after the workshop Soul-Smart

was WOOW !!


Charlotte, you helped me with a warm safe hand forward ... in what I experience both so powerful  ... but a little scary!
You are like a strong shining guiding star ..who with caution wisdom and humor made me and the others dare to open up, listen and feel inward towards the heart and soul
Thanks again - You really have found your place in life Charlotte.

You are the best !! "


Gunilla Karlsson

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